I was just reminiscing on some vintage styled work that i did a few years ago with the talented Award winning celebrity makeup artist Sarah Brock, and the equally talented photographer Rosie Parsons.
I often get asked, is working with long hair or short hair easiest...well, they are both the same to me, but longer hair does give you more options, like in this case in the image below that i did for the styled shoot with Rosie and Sarah.
The model believe it or not, actually had hair half way down her back! When asked to provide a 20s style you could imagine my brain cogs jumped to life!
I decided to curl the hair first in a finger wave effect, then i sectioned it into 2. Pinned up the top half, then backcombed the lower half. I then placed the top half over the lower backcombing (which was now acting as a gripping platform) i rolled and placed the curls individually to a shoulder length, this then created this gorgeous 1920s styled hair design.
vintage hair styling by thairapy - Sarah Brock mua - Rosie Parsons photography
Here is another example of the same hair underpinning. This beautiful model who's hair i styled for a Rainbow Club UK Campaign shoot in 2013 for Joyce Jackson Veils. Sarah Brock was the MUA for this shoot also.